Do you feel comfortable with PT Mate? Have you checked out both the Business Web Portal and the Business App? Then it's time to get started!
We understand that it can be time consuming for an established business to move over to a new platform. This guide will help you to make that transition as smooth and streamlined as possible.
The quickest way to set up your client list is by importing them via a CSV file. To do so go to your Clients tab and choose Import your client list.
We recommend not to invite your clients just yet before you have everything else set up.
Now that you've imported your clients, let's take care of your training schedule. If you have recurring schedule, we recommend setting up recurring session templates in the Calendar section. PT Mate will take care of creating all future sessions for you.
Learn how to create recurring sessions
Whether you sell packs of sessions or have your clients on direct debits, it's time to get your products set up next.
In the Billing tab on the Business Web Portal you can create your products and enable payments with Stripe to be able to charge your clients through PT Mate.
Looks like everything is ready to go. It's time to invite your clients to join your training space on PT Mate so they can book into sessions and receive training programs and plans.
On the Clients page on the Business Web Portal, click on Send invites. This will send an email invitation to all of your clients with instructions to join PT Mate.
As your business is now set up and running, take care of your session programming so you can run your sessions through PT Mate and keep track of your clients' progress.
Reach out any time if you're stuck or have any questions. We're here to help!