Any fitness business can benefit from offering nutrition as an option to your community.
Take control of one more aspect of your tribes health by overseeing the way they eat as well. You can offer nutrition any way you that suits your business model:
Educate your tribe about the importance of good nutrition and it sells itself!
Aimed at fuelling their training and day to day activities
You are only charged for what you use!
When setting up a client for nutrition you will have the option to start them on the upcoming Sunday or one of the following three Sundays.
The date you set your client's plan to start from is the same day you will be charged from. For each client you will be charged $1.10 per day on a weekly basis ($7.70 per client, per week).
Your saved card will be charged each Monday based on your total volume the previous week at $1.10 per client per day.
Take a look at some different marketing strategies that could help inspire your tribe this Winter! Expand your business with nutrition
As mentioned previously meal plan start dates are set to Sundays. On the Sunday the meal plan has been selected to start your client will receive a notification at 6am the morning of, letting them know that their meal plan is active and to head to their Health tab to set their preferences.
(To ensure your clients receive notifications from you get them to check that their PT Mate Member App notifications are turned on.)
Once your client has set their preferences they will have their first meal plan generated.
Learn more about the Member App nutrition integration.
All accessible within your clients PT Mate Member App.
Meal plans need to be practical and feel human. They need to match our lifestyle, and our expectations. Otherwise, they simply won't work.
When we set about building our software, it was super important for us to replicate the processes an actual dietary professional might undertake when creating a plan.
Take a look at how it works
Harris Benedict Equation
Learn more about how your platform works - Set up Nutrition on your Business Web Portal.