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Create a 1:1 or group session

Learn how to create in-person sessions on both the Business Web Portal and Business App

Create a 1:1 or group session


PT Mate allows you to create both 1:1 and group sessions. Both 1:1 and group sessions can either be in-person or virtual sessions. No matter whether you're training your clients in the gym or remotely, you can set up the sessions you need with PT Mate. We even manage different time zones for you :).

Enter session details

Select day, time and duration first. For a 1:1 you need to select a client. Group sessions offer different options:

Session program

You can attach programs to your sessions so you can run them through PT Mate and automatically log your clients' results. Learn more about programs

Assign a trainer

Do you have assistant trainers?

You can assign a trainer to the session to run it. They will be able to manage attendance, run the session and monitor results. You can change a session's trainer any time before the session is due.

Group specific session options

Group sessions are a bit more complex than 1:1 sessions. PT Mate offers some extra options to customise your group sessions:

Session name

By default sessions will be called "Group Sessions". Add a name to help your clients find your sessions (e.g. "Bootcamp", "Fat Burner").

Set a time for bookings to open

By default clients can book in to the session any time. You can select a day and time when you want bookings to open. Clients won't be able to book in before that.

Set a lock in time for bookings

Clients can book in and cancel bookings up the the session time. This options allows you to lock the bookings in beforehand. E.g. If you want to lock in your bookings/attendance 24 hours in advance, you'd select that time and date.

PT Mate - The personal assistant for personal trainers