Help Centre | Calendar & Sessions


Calendar overview

Get an overview of the calendar and sessions

Calendar overview


The calendar allows you to manage your training schedule and get an overview of your sessions and classes.

The calendar

The centre of your day. Here you can see all your sessions and other events, and you can filter by client and trainer (if you have assistant trainers).
You can switch between different views:

Recurring sessions

The Recurring Templates tab allows you to create both 1:1 and group recurring sessions. This helps you automate your schedule and focus on other aspects of your business.


There are two types of sessions: 1:1 and group. Both can be created to be in-person or virtual. Learn more about virtual sessions.
Depending whether the session is in the past, due now or upcoming, you'll have different options when you see their details. You can find out more here and here.

Session attendance

Stay on top of your session attendance so PT Mate can automatically track your clients' packs of sessions and direct debits.
Sessions are automatically marked as attended when you run them through PT Mate. You can also manage their attendance manually after the session is finished.

Attaching programs to sessions

Create programs with our Program Builder and attach them to your sessions. This allows you to run the sessions directly through PT Mate.
You can either select a program from your list or create one from scratch, specifically for the session.

Running sessions

PT Mate helps you to run your sessions by guiding you through your program with different timers and options to log your clients' results. Learn more about running sessions

Insights & reports

Analyse your business and the evolution of your sessions with Calendar Insights. You can also create and print reports to list all your sessions in a specific time frame.

The Business App

The Business App is designed to help you manage your business on the go. That's why Insights, Reports and Recurring Sessions are not available on the mobile app.
The app is optimised to run your sessions and organise everything related to your clients while you're with them.

PT Mate - The personal assistant for personal trainers